A Small Note about Death
First of all, fearing death is healthy, in certain situations. What I mean to say is that it is perfectly normal to fear death when faced with situations that could potentially threaten your life. This is a biological process that is instinctive and imbedded in our minds and bodies. In truth, if one was not at all afraid when faced with a possibly life-ending threat, I'd be worried. We can't control our instinctive fear of death, and I don't mean to imply that we should try to control it. We should never let it cause us to panic too much, because the end result of that may end up being, well...death.
I mean to not fear death as an idea, concept, or reality. Furthermore, it is never healthy to fear death in such a way that it ever impedes your ability to live life to the fullest. A long life spent not living because of fear of death is far worse than living a short but active and full life. Never let fear or thought of death become a roadblock in your life. Because in the end, no matter what, you'll never come out of life alive (I've heard someone famous or some writer say that, but their name or anything about them eludes me at the moment - either way, that phrase is not of my own creation).
Enjoy life while you have it, and don't worry much about death. Rather, worry about not living. After all, it is hard to truly die when you've never truly lived. That is all for this note. I'm sure that you all are happy about the brevity (that is, of course, assuming that anyone has even ever read this...). Good night.
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