Contradictions and Other Stuff...Maybe
I am.
As we grow into maturity, we use our growing intelligence to find clever ways to hold onto the security blankets of our childhood all while managing to put them under the guise of some more mature-seeming thing or object. Alcohol replaces the pacifier, and ideologies replace the blanket we carried around half of our toddler years. Children no more we become full grown adults who are capable of acting like children in fantastically creative ways. After all, children learn from the parents and people who raise them, and mimic what they see. A general cycle of immaturity and irrationality become inculcated in the very system of species reproduction and maintenance. After awhile, it may not actually matter though, and I leave that choice for you. Either way, there's a contradiction: that we cease to become children and transform into adults, ignoring the fact that adulthood is just glorified and complexified childhood.
Ultimately what matters is what we do based on the decisions we come to. When we act immature under the premise that we are being mature, we create serious dilemmas in the form of unprecedented situations and phenomena that eventually come back to haunt us. Stupidity by itself is not overly dangerous, but stupidity under the guise of intelligence is boundlessly pernicious. After all, we welcome intelligence and chastize stupidity, and so when we welcome absurd and stupid doctrine and ideas under the guise of intelligence, we are opening a gateway to the depths of our mind. In those depths, ignorance and stupidity will take root, becoming an infestation that can never fully be removed. All that can truly happen is that we limit the scope of the stupidity we have.
Here's a contradiction: stupidity has utility. Occasionally it might be good to be stupid. Stupidity occasionally saves one from over-exerting their intelligence on a relatively simple matter. It becomes a catalyst to move one from staled action to refreshed action, even if that new action is somewhat ridiculous. It is better to bump into somebody accidentally then spend all day analyzing what the hell a flyer for an upcoming concert means. Meaning pervades every layer of life, but that does not mean that it pervades every layer of perception (contradiction). Life is dynamic and quickly changing. Who knows where it can go?
My thoughts are scattering as my mind fades to the twilight of exhaustion and sleep deprivation. I've written multiple papers this week, run numerous errands, battled some kind of cold or infection, and contended with my own weird thought processes that continue to attack random parts of my mind like an overactive immune system attacking some innocuous agent. All that said, I need sleep, and I need sleep bad. Unfortunately, I also need to write my rough draft for PHIL 311, which I have done no research for and do not have much to say for yet. You know what's sad? I have to write a 12 page paper for it. Damn.
Good night, and don't do drugs or deprive yourself of sleep. Lack of sleep is brain rot, and causes neural pathways to inexplicably fail to stay connected, even mid-thought. These last two entries have shown me when my mind loses the major connections which enjoin all my ideas together. My cohesiveness fails as the web of my consciousness shrinks and shrivels, needing a brief rest so the spider of my mind can re-fortify and rebuild the inner web of my mind, giving rise to my full consciousness once more.
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